Sunday, April 22, 2012

If You Believe the Polls, Like I Do ...

Beware my conservative friends .... there are lefties out there co-opting our conservative language and insinuating that the Tea Party is the party advocating bigger government.  Does no intellectual honesty remain among the leftists? I mean I thought they were the enlightened ones ... You know them: environmental whackos, feminists, socialists, communists, move on dot org, media matters, anyone associated with Soros, and sadly ... if we believe the polls, about 45% of the nation who think 8% unemployment is acceptable, who think $5 per gallon of gas is okay, that shutting down our coal industry is a brilliant idea, that 7% inflation is a good start to recover a failing economy, that no federal budget for the past three years is responsible, that our 16 Trillion Dollar debt is going to go away by taxing the rich,  that taxing the rich is going to solve all of our fiscal problems, that running 1 Trillion dollar deficits every year is the way to help the middle class, that shaming our friends and coddling our enemies is a winning foreign strategy, that suing states that enforce federal laws is a good thing, that a botched gun running scheme was cooked up by some low-level ATF agent, that it's perfectly acceptable that the rate of unemployment is higher among women and young people than anytime since they started counting them, that believe there is a war on women in America, and that still get their news from MSNBC, Bill Maher, and John Daley.  You know you can do a lot of things to help people look better, sound better, and even talk better, but there's not a damn thing you can do about stupid. I just pray they are too stupid to find a polling place in November.

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