Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm Still Looking for the Hope - Got Plenty of Change

 Buyers remorse, anyone?  If not ... the cognitive part of your brain has ceased to function, and  all your mental faculties have been transferred to the affective portion of your gray matter.  Simple observation and the realization of facts should have you joining most Americans in looking forward to the day that our President Obama becomes our ex-president.  There is one other possibility;  you've been in a coma for the past two years and are just now waking up. If that's you, I will tell you that things are going to hell in a hand-basket, and you've awakened just in time to see one of the saddest debacles of a presidency that we have witnessed in our lifetime.

I don't mean to gloat ... for this is no time to be gloating, but I will say I was ringing the bell long before this joke of a president got elected. All you had to do was take him at his word, and then understand a bit of his background and voting record.

Well, we've seen quite a bit of change haven't we; a rise in unemployment, a deficit 10 times that of when he took office, a health-care system that Americans didn't want, a justice department on the wrong side of the law, the appointment of God-only-knows how many czars to do God-only- knows what ... yes, the change is evident. The scary thing is, he has two more years to inflict more damage.  God, help us!  No, God, PLEASE help us!

What about that hope that Obama  was talking about during his run for the White House?  The hope he was talking about  isn't the same hope I have. I hope he goes away as soon as possible. I hope Americans wake up and smell the damn coffee, because it's boiling over and causing a real mess. I hope that in November we put some adults back in Washington. I hope that Americans discover the wisdom of the Constitution and make a run back to its principles. I hope our next president offers leadership instead of excuses. I hope our next president treats our friends like friends and our enemies like enemies. I hope our next president spends less time on vacation and more time in the White House. I hope our next president stays out of local affairs and concerns himself/herself with what the Constitution prescribes for the office of president. I hope our next president understands that some folks in this world are evil, and you can't compromise with, negotiate with, nor console them. I hope this next generation embraces the reality that government is not going to solve their problems for them. I hope this next generation of voters can enjoy the same prosperity that their parents enjoyed, but thanks to this administration,  the cold hard facts indicate  that's not going to be the case.  No, I'm afraid my hopes are different than President Obama's.

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