Saturday, December 1, 2012

The American Values Test

Choose the answer you most agree with.
Which of the following should be illegal?
1. A teenager having an abortion without her parent's consent.
2. A teenager setting up a lemonade stand in front of her house.
Which of the following should NOT be allowed?
1. Computers in a public library with access to pornography.
2. A display of a nativity scene on public property.
Which of the following makes the most sense?
1. Allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.
2. The enforcement of immigration law by individual States.
Which of the following should NOT ever happen?
1. The use of U.S. tax dollars to create jobs in other countries such as France, Italy, Russia, and Mexico.
2. Corporate executives laying -off workers, while themselves collecting bonuses.
Which of the following should NOT be allowed?
1. People getting  free cell phones and cellular service at taxpayer's expense.
2. An unemployed man offering a shuttle service for tips at a National Park.
Which of the following should NOT ever happen?
1. Government officials denying business permits to businesses that espouse a Biblical world view.
2. Preachers telling their congregations that it’s wrong  for same sex couples to marry.
Which of the following is the task of government, as specified in the constitution?
1. Feeding, clothing and housing people.
2. Defending national interests and providing security for the citizenry.
Choosing answer number 1 for a response to any of the questions is indicative of any or all of the following: Stage one thinking, moral depravity and/or a total misunderstanding of American values.

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